Monday, April 13, 2009

Cleaning While You Sleep

My friend Saul Maraney, host of, has a new product that can help us clean while we sleep by speaking directly to our subconsconscious. Saul, who's studied ho'oponopono longer than I have has a great blog and, like me, is really interested in sharing what he has learned. His blog features all sorts of free content, including interviews, really useful links, cleaning products and his own testimony, so give it a surf! I believe it helps us all clean.

Peace of I,


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Doubt is another dangerous program. We think we are being smart cookies by reasoning up some doubt about one thing or another. But we're really just being faithless and living by our programs and sending negativity at the thing or person we are doubting. Remember, all the yea's and nays we think we're doing the calculous on, are really about us and what's inside us. So keep cleaning, have faith, and let love rule, peeps!

Peace of I,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Inside Job

Just a reminder: it's all going on inside us; all of our problems, all of our experiences, everything we're aware of, everything we perceive about someone else is going on inside us. There is no reason to look at anyone or anywhere else when there is a problem. The replaying memories and programs are the problems and they are inside us. We just have to keep cleaning ourselves and that problem will be lessened for us and everyone else.

Peace of I,
