Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

I wish each and every one of you the most wonderful and love-filled new years. Let this finally be the year that we all stop living by memories and starting living by inspirations. Keep cleaning and God bless you!

Peace of I,


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I hope by now, you see a ho'oponopono view of the nativity story and the immaculate conception. I hope, also that you can see one in A Christmas Carol. As we learn from the story, Scrooge was a young man who lost his way, and went from living by Love, to living to and constantly replaying and responding to painful memories. Then, through the invervention of divinity, he is walked through what was, what he started to project and would continue to project if he didn't get back on the side of Love. Thankfully and joyfully, the old meiser apologized, sought and received forgiveness, and was not only able to live by Love again, but his love saved a little boy, and he became the most beloved man in his town.

I hope all of our apologies are met with the same forgiveness, and we all always live from Love.

Merry Christmas, and God Bless You!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! As we have our annual spooky fun, let's remember that practicing ho'oponopono gives us the chance to drop our daily masks of memories replaying and reveal our real selves. Happy Haunting and even more gratifying cleaning!

Peace of I,


Friday, October 23, 2009

Another Missed Metaphor

Several religious traditions teach, if not formally encode, the idea that we have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on our other shoulder - like Pinto in Animal House - and our choices all depend on who we are listening to. Now, this old idea of the two competing running systems is indeed true and a precept of SITH, but it's going on inside of us, not on our shoulders. We are either at zero frequency and being run by our own divinity, or we are running on repeating memories we picked up from God knows where being projected through our subconscious and creating our troubled reality. Only one can run at once, so you literally are listening to one or the other. So, clean, clean, clean and hang out at zero, we've all run on the memories too long.

Peace of I,


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ho'oponoono is a constant cycle of atonement, transmutation and forgiveness, and what's really perfect about the word atonement, is that it can be broken down as at-one-ment. When we practice Ho'oponopono, we clear out all the crap, and finally exist at one with ourselves, and on the zero frequency where nothing exists between us and our inner divinity, which is the true I or one. Atonement is a really cool word for the process, and a really good everyday practice.

Peace of I,


Friday, September 11, 2009

People are Talking

I'm not sure they look like this, but people are certainly talking, sharing and cleaning at Mabel Katz's new site. Check it out if you're so inclined, people are being very generous with what ho'oponopono has done for them, how they clean and honor each other's cleaning requests. As you know, Mabel Katz is the author of The Easiest Way and host of the Mabel Katz show, clips of which you can watch on youtube by searching for Mabel Katz. Enjoy!



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Customer Service

The latest post over at Mabel Katz's new site reminded me to tell you about cleaning while dealing with customer service representatives. First, it's good to keep that attitude of gratitude and loving outlook going all the time, but, I know it's challenging and I know it can be really hard when dealing with customer service reps. Well, I'm here to tell it can be so easy if you just clean. You won't believe how your dealings will be transformed. I've had better results than ever and gotten better deals than ever through my practice of ho'oponopono. So try it out next time you have to deal with a customer service rep. See it as an opportunity to make a friend and then make a great deal.

Peace of I,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's a Solo Job

No, problem solving is not a case for Napoleon Solo, the Man from U.N.C.L.E., in fact, we need no outside help at all. The resolution to any problem you encounter can be reached in privacy through the practice of Self Identity Ho'Oponopono. Remember that whenever you experience a problem with someone else or with life, it's just another opportunity for you to clean it from your subconscious that is projecting it once and for all. Whatever it is, you can get rid of it through this simple process.

A lot of people ask me if it can work on problems with other people. You bet it can. Next time, before you get into it with someone who is doing jumping jacks on your last nerve, try repeating any of the clearing phrases silently in your head. It will either chill the other person out (my experience) or chill you out to the point where your nerves are fresh and you are no longer annoyed.

So, next time, try cleaning before you go off. You'll be amazed.

Peace of I,


Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Missed Metaphor

Okay, we all know the Superman story: rocketed to earth from the dying planet Krypton, he is taken in and raised by the Kents, who name him Clark. Eventually Clark grows up, gets a job at a newspaper (so he can monitor crime) and falls in love with Lois Lane. His problem is that Lois is in love with Superman. Of course most people read this as Clark wanting her to fall in love with the real him - Clark, when in fact, Lois is in love with the real him, Superman. "Clark" is just all the crappy human programming he picked up after he crash landed. Poor writing has often protrayed Clark as the real person and missed the beautiful truth of Lois's recognition. The metamessage is really that what we are is perfect and that in any other guise we are less than what we really are. So how do we get rid of these false faces and be who we really are? We practice ho'oponopono.

Peace of I,


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Uuuuh, Just One More Thing...

There's an important distinction that some people seem to be having some trouble wrapping their heads around. I've even seen an online review of Zero Limits where the reviewer didn't get it, yet was bold enough to publish his misimpressions. And here it is: taking responsibility for everything in your life, is not the same as being at fault for everything in your life.

In Self Identity Ho'oponopono, one of the central precepts is that we take 100% responsibility for everything that appears in our lives. Now, the reviewer believed that that means that ho'oponopono proposes that the War in Iraq is the practioner's fault. But that's not the case, it's not our fault, it is just our responsibility to clean it.

In other words, we are not the "perps," instead we are the ultra-cool cops who are responsible for clearing the cases. The perps are the programs we've picked up from God only knows where, that keep replaying as the problems we perceive. But we can get rid of them. We do this by apologizing for whatever is going on in ourselves that is creating the perception of the problem and then by asking for forgiveness. And that's what Ho'oponopono is about, not fault, but taking responsibility and keeping our sides of the street clean, for the benefit of ourselves and everyone else. We're cool cops working the beat of Love!

So keep using the phrases and drinking the blue solar water!

Peace of I,


Sunday, July 12, 2009

The More You Complain The Less You Obtain

Ever notice how you just keep getting more of the stuff you complain about and less of the stuff you want? The old saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease is flat out wrong and each of us knows it, the squeaky wheel just gets more to squeak about. The complaint program is an insidious one that we really must free ourselves from or we might literally spend our lives complaining and none of our lives getting what we want. Does that sound like fun? So next time something is bugging you, just love it and make friends with it in your head and that will free you and free whatever it is you were tempted to complain about. And then you'll really be free to welcome the things you truly want into your lives.

Peace of I,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Bless the country I love so much, and the beautiful world it is a part of! Let this Independance Day be a reminder to you that every day gives you an opportunity to establish your independance from the problems you perceive. Your freedom is just the cleaning tips away, so give em a go!

Peace of I!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ho'oponopono and Restaurants

So today was the 1 year anniversary of my getting run over and not getting badly hurt, as you may recall I was cleaning at the time and recovered almost immediately. Thank You. Anyway, here's something fun to try with your practice of ho'oponopono: it's been my experience that whenever I am repeating any of the phrases while in a restaurant, I get offered something extra for free, either a bigger steak, or an unadvertised deal. It happened again tonight, so I want you all to give it a try and see what happens. It works for me!

Peace of I,


Friday, May 29, 2009


No, it's not the delightful replays of classic TV programs that are getting you down, it's the very same programs emmanating from indside you that are making the same problems come up over and over again. For some people it's weight, for some money, for others relationships. For some it's all three or more. But each time these problems crop up, it's another invitation for us to clean them once and for all, and we can do that most easily by using the cleaning tools of ho'oponopono that are outlined here and in many of my links. So, enjoy Get Smart! or The Wild, Wild West if you can find them on the remote, but don't tolerate another moment of one of your recurrent problems without using that moment to clean. The problems are 100% your's and mine, and we've got to do the cleaning.

Peace of I,


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Remember to Drink Blue Solar Water

It's been almost a year since I added Blue Solar Water to my practice of ho'oponopono and beyond being part of a peace I'd never known, it's also done great things for my health. Anyway, it's simple enough to make: take a blue glass bottle, can be dark or light, add tap water, then cover it with a non-metal top and leave in the sun of under an incandescent lamp for an hour or so. It's important to have no metal involved in the bottle or the capping. So ,you can use a cork, a plate, paper, saran wrap - lots of things. Then drink, and use it any way you would use water. Also, if you want to test it and have a plant, water your plant with it and watch what happens. I've had my plant for seven years and it's never looked better.

Peace of I,


Friday, May 15, 2009


Not only is Trust a great Elvis Costello album, it's one of the aims of ho'oponopono. We need to quit thinking and worrying and just trust in God, or the divine, or Love, or whatever you want to call it. It's when we have faith and trust in ourselves and in the divine that the amazing stuff happens. Btw, the pop version of Forgive Me is done, and I hope we can share it with you soon.

Peace of I,


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Peace, Love and Rock and Roll!

My songwriting/producing partner Ian Dye just forwarded me the rock version of "Forgive Me" and I, in turn have forwarded them to an interested party. It may soon be time for an interesting party. I'll keep cleaning on it! I hope all of you are well and drinking your blue solar water. Apparently, there are all sorts of fruit spritzers available and your local market that come in blue glass bottles and for as little as 99 cents. One bottle can get you started!

Peace of I!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Cleaning While You Sleep

My friend Saul Maraney, host of, has a new product that can help us clean while we sleep by speaking directly to our subconsconscious. Saul, who's studied ho'oponopono longer than I have has a great blog and, like me, is really interested in sharing what he has learned. His blog features all sorts of free content, including interviews, really useful links, cleaning products and his own testimony, so give it a surf! I believe it helps us all clean.

Peace of I,


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Doubt is another dangerous program. We think we are being smart cookies by reasoning up some doubt about one thing or another. But we're really just being faithless and living by our programs and sending negativity at the thing or person we are doubting. Remember, all the yea's and nays we think we're doing the calculous on, are really about us and what's inside us. So keep cleaning, have faith, and let love rule, peeps!

Peace of I,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Inside Job

Just a reminder: it's all going on inside us; all of our problems, all of our experiences, everything we're aware of, everything we perceive about someone else is going on inside us. There is no reason to look at anyone or anywhere else when there is a problem. The replaying memories and programs are the problems and they are inside us. We just have to keep cleaning ourselves and that problem will be lessened for us and everyone else.

Peace of I,


Monday, March 30, 2009

A Song is Really Born

Okay, I told you guys awhile ago that I had come up with a ho'oponopono song. Turns out some programs were preventing me from getting it recorded till now. I got them cleaned and will be re-uniting with my old friend Ian Dye, to record the song on Wednesday. It's funny, his name came to me, as it should have in the first place, and it took less than 12 hours to find each other, talk and set up a recording date. You know you're on the right track when things go that fast in the proper direction. Stay tuned! See, I used "tuned" and it's about... kidding. I know you got it.

Peace of I,


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


In "Zero Limits" Dr. Hew Len reminds us that we write "In God We Trust" on all or our money, but we sure don't choose to act like it. A lot of what Ho'oponopono is, beyond the cleaning, apologizing and asking for forgiveness, is having faith. Whether you call the somthing else: god, or love or the universe, faithlessness is one of our most dangerous programs. A huge component of the economic "crisis" the world is reportedly facing now is a product of faithlessness. Don't be a part of it. Listen to the money and keep the faith. Also, remember that you only have to ask once if you want something, incessant asking is not persistence, it's another face of faithlessness, so ask once and believe.

Peace of I,


Ho'oponopono and a Cup of Joe

As you know, I've been making and drinking blue solar water since last summer. I have days where that's all I drink. But I do also like coffee in the morning. So this morning, for the first time, I made my coffee using blue solar water. I can tell you that I didn't taste any difference, but I also didn't get any jitters at all, and found myself both calm and very focused. So, if you have some blue solar water ready some morning, give it a try. Remember, adding just a bit of bsw to regular water solarizes the whole batch, so go for, you've got nothing to lose but the jitters.

Peace of I,


Friday, March 20, 2009

Three Words Trump Three Letters

Yesterday, I had to go to that most dreaded of all places to re-register my car. Yes, it was the DMV! Now, aside from providing fodder for countless stand-up comics over the years, the DMV mostly means two things to everyone LINES and WAITING. I arrived mid-afternoon and was given number 344B. They were at number 326B at the time and were also serving C's and D's and other letters. They told me it would be "25 minutes" but the lines screamed, "longer!" So I sat down and watched to see if a B would move. The B's just weren't going anywhere. Then I remembered I could start cleaning and see what happened. If nothing else, I'd be doing some good somewhere. So I told my friend Nadene, who drove me down, to, "Watch this: I'm gonna use ho'oponopono." And as I did, the numbers suddenly starting flying off the board. After no movement at all, 344B was called within 5 minutes of me beginning my cleaning. I'm not kidding. Nadene was amazed. Also, everyone there seemed happier. Needless to say, cleaning beat the DMV and we should remember to clean wherever lines are found!
Peace of I,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Miracle

Okay, I don't have a picture of my left ear, but I do have a picture of strawberries, to remind you that they are one of the cleaning foods. Anyway, the miracle has to do with my left ear. When I was in 8th grade, I had an accident at school and the inside of my left ear was injured. I was told at the time, that I might eventually experience hearing loss - and I did. Over the past several years, I have noticed the hearing in my left ear getting weaker and weaker. My friends know that I say, "Huh?" a lot when I answer the phone. What they didn't know was I was switching to my right ear, so I could hear them better and not have to keep asking them to repeat themselves. Well, tonight my hearing came all the way back!

I've been doing ho'oponopono for well over a year now, but just recently - yesterday, in fact - I stopped trying to clean specific things, and just petitioned for all of my problems, whether perceived by me or not, to be cleaned. So, tonight I was about to do some push-ups, when I once again petitioned for all my problems. I do ho'oponopono push-ups, by the way (1 I love you, 2 I love you, 3 I love you , etc. etc) and after I made my petition and started to do the push-ups, I felt something move in my left ear - and suddenly, for the first time since 8th grade my hearing was back full blast! It was a miracle!

And it all happened because I realize that God or the divinity or the universe knows better than I what my problems are, and though I am 100% responsible for apologizing and asking forgiveness for them, God knows exactly where they are. Further, I remembered that not petitioning for something was a way of telling God or the divinity or the universe that you don't think you need their help - and that can actually lead to the problem growing.

So, what I want you to take away from this in your practice of ho'oponopono is to maybe back off the cleaning of one issue or another and ask for the cleaning of all your problems. I don't know where I'd rank my left ear in my list of issues, but I do know that suddenly getting my hearing all the way back was a miracle and it is an incredible validation of the ho'oponopo process.

Peace of I,


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I haven't updated in awhile cause I've been busy with some work projects, but my cleaning process is constant and I hope your's is, too. Now, I hope Valentine's Day is not just reminding you to tell someone else you love them, because it should be reminding you to tell yourself you love yourself, too. So today, at some point, tell yourself and your body and all things around you that you love them, and enjoy the results. There are no three more powerful words than I Love You. Keep saying it, and you'll keep cleaning.

Peace of I,
