I hope by now, you see a ho'oponopono view of the nativity story and the immaculate conception. I hope, also that you can see one in A Christmas Carol. As we learn from the story, Scrooge was a young man who lost his way, and went from living by Love, to living to and constantly replaying and responding to painful memories. Then, through the invervention of divinity, he is walked through what was, what he started to project and would continue to project if he didn't get back on the side of Love. Thankfully and joyfully, the old meiser apologized, sought and received forgiveness, and was not only able to live by Love again, but his love saved a little boy, and he became the most beloved man in his town.
I hope all of our apologies are met with the same forgiveness, and we all always live from Love.
Merry Christmas, and God Bless You!